Event 1 | We’re All Living in the Estroworld

A few minority sexual orientations which differ from the mass have always been the topic and phenomenom that intrigue me. I attended the event of BioArt Talks "We're All Living in the Estroworld" and listen to the lecturer Mary Maggic to talk about such phenomenom as well as the secrets of hormone from the perspectives of both biology science and social level. There are several points worthy to bring up in the event discussed by Mary, including the categorization of gender/orientations and social viewpoint, and integration of science&tech&arts in this field.

Plastic & Bodies & Gender

Before the event, I was really intrigued by the idea of hormones and the reason why people's sexual orientations/gender can be altered. I personally have a few gay friends and they also can hardly answered the reason of their minority sexual orientation. In the talk, Mary discussed about the plastic pollution correlated to the industrial pollution, and admitted that somehow biologically speaking altering sexual orientations might be unavoidably genetic for some people. 

Infant Gender Categorization

Genital Scanning Project

However, Mary believed that it may be unappropriate to simply categorize people into either boys/girls when they are born, and such gender and orientations can be further explored or even altered through usage of biotech and biohacking. It is mentioned that when infants born with unclear gender categorization will have surgeries to let them be either boys or girls. From the mainstream viewpoint this is natural indeed, but based on Mary's talk I believe the idea of free gender recognition is something the society should adapt more widely nowadays, instead of categorizing purely based on biological features such as androgens or estrogens. I'm very impressed by the project of genital scanning, which touches on the most intimate and obscure side of humanity. There are definitely hidden resistence to face genitals directly in people, and this project can help people break these chains and comprehensively consider and recognize their gender and sexual orientations.

Mary's Lab Tools & Materials

Mary's Mobile Lab Suitcase & Its Version in the Museum

Another part in Mary's talk that impressed me a lot is the integration of science, technologies and arts in the lab. Mary recognize the mobile lab suitcase used as a piece of bio-artwork, and being presented in the museum. This reminds me the idea Professor Vesna talked about that there is correlation between arts and technologies. For this bio-tech artwork, it is absolutely a perfect illustration of the combination of arts, biological science, and technologies, which are somehow inseparable under such diversified dimension society.

**I really like this event, which includes very rich amount of materials. The only flaw is that this talk is too short! I think every point mentioned can be further extended and discussed in a much more comprehensive way if the talk can be longer! 

Rating: 9/10

Word Count: 400


Bendix, Aria, "Birth-control pills could add 10 million doses of hormones to our wastewater every day. Some of that estrogen may wind up in our taps.", 2019


Fausto-Sterling, Anne, "Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality", 2000

Ola Svensson, "Hybridization generates a hopeful monster: a hermaphroditic selfing cichlid", 2016

Vesna, Victoria. “Human Body & Medical Technologies pt1-4”Week-4 Lectures

Yang, Chun Z., "Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved", 2011

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Extra Credit Event 4 | The Book "Art As Social Practice"

Week 9 | Space + Art

Event 3 | 132nd Faculty Research Lecture